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Ensure non-disclosure agreements regarding discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation meet the new criteria

Section 5 of Maternity Protection, Employment Equality and Preservation of Certain Records Act 2024 has come into effect on 20th November 2024. This section adds a new section 14B into the Employment Equality Act which restricts employers entering into non-disclosure agreements with employees relating to any allegations of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation.

This new section starts from the premise that employers “must not enter into” such non-disclosure agreements and that if they do, such agreements will be null and void. However, the section goes on to provide that this does not apply to agreements reached through the WRC Mediation Services or where it complies with the requirements of an excepted non-disclosure agreement.

The requirements of an “excepted non-disclosure agreement” will mandate amendments to severance and compromise agreements, to ensure that they are covered. The requirements are as follows:

Link to Act  – https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oireachtas/act/2024/37/eng/enacted/a3724.pdf

Author – Anne O’Connell  20th November 2024

Anne O’Connell


19-22 Lower Baggot Street

Dublin 2.


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