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Update on Parents Leave & Adoptive Leave

Further to our article. the Family Leave and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2021 was passed and came into effect from 25th March 2021. This Act now amends the Adoptive Leave Act 1995 to enable a couple to choose which of the couple would be entitled to employment leave upon adoption a child together. It also amends the Parent’s Leave and Benefit Act, 2019 to extend the Parent’s Leave by 3 more weeks thus bringing the total Parent’s Leave up to 5 weeks to be taken within the first 2 years of their child’s life. This is applicable for parents of children born from 1st November 2019. It also addresses access to adoptive leave and benefit by male same-sex couples.

Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman said that this move was under the EU Work-Life Balance Directive which had to be transposed into the Irish Law. He further pointed out that COVID-19 has had a serious impact on working parents, especially those who had their children during the pandemic, and added that the passing of the Bill was a welcome change.

Further amendments have been made to the provisions of Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005, Child and Family Agency Act 2013, Judicial Council Act 2019, and the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act 2003.

Link  –   https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/bills/bill/2021/33/

Authors – Anne O’Connell & Chaitra Girish Mallya

30th March 2021

Anne O’Connell Solicitors

19-22 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2


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