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Remote Working Guidance 2020: Department Of Business, Enterprise And Innovation

Prior to the Covid-19 crisis, which has given rise to unprecedented numbers of employees working from home, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (“the Department”) had published a report on Remote Work in Ireland in December 2019, highlighting a need for national guidance for workers and business’s seeking to engage with remote working solutions.

In light of the 2019 Report and the change in working conditions with Covid-19, the Department conducted a Public Consultation on Remote Working Guidance in July of this year. Focusing on the different types and attitudes to remote working solutions in Ireland and the influencing factors for employees and employers when engaging with these solutions.

The Department recently published its Guidance for Working Remotely (“the Guidance”) for employees and employers. Covering a range of areas from Health and Safety, Employment Conditions, Data Protection, Equality and Training, the live resource on the Department’s website offers guidance and considerations for workers and businesses adopting remote working practices.

The Guidance has also provided a helpful Checklist for Working Remotely for employers adopting remote working arrangements, covering the foregoing matters in a user friendly format.

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work : this area is governed by a number of pieces of legislation, regardless of whether an employee is on site or working remotely, responsibility for their health and safety rests with the employer. While it has been noted that there is a need for the legislation to catch up with the reality of the current work place, employers remain obliged to do all that is necessary to ensure that their employees are working in a safe environment when working at home.

Employment Conditions

Data Protection



Link https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/What-We-Do/Workplace-and-Skills/Remote-Working/

Authors – Anne O’Connell & Ethna Dillon

26th November 2020

Anne O’Connell Solicitors

19-22 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2


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